While I am a Precious Metals fan, I don't think the prices are being suppressed.
Gold: IT IS NO LONGER MONEY. Undeniable. Since that is the case, I am surprised that it has MAINTAINED its price relative to the "DOLLAR" and even increased somewhat, since the only other uses are minor industrial, which silver can often substitute for, and for jewelry. I attribute any price support/increase to us goldbugs, not to anything else.
Gold is superfluous to most people with any "money". Maybe some day in the future, gold will be again be money. But first, ONLY after the world economy and the present fiat money systems collapse totally. Then, there will be more attempts at fiat systems. Finally, gold will HAVE to be adopted again as money. But I, and possibly you, will be dead of old age by then.
SILVER: I have heard of the coming silver price explosion for decades. The demand/supply imbalances. Blah, blah, blah. Obviously, there is enough supply available at PRESENT (low) prices. If there wasn't, the price would be higher. QED. Now, you can say that by analyzing supply and demand that on the x day of the y month of year z, that the supply at the present low prices will run out and so that the price will have to increase dramatically. And that it should increase NOW in anticipation. But this is now, and then is then. Plus, obviously, the people with big "money" disagree.
Capitalism or "free enterprise" does not mean that people have much foresight. If you think silver, for example, should now be $100 (whatever), because of a potential future shortfall, you likely think oil should be $150 (whatever) a barrel.
That oil is not $150 is for the same reason silver is not $100. The prices will not increase dramatically until, if and when, we (collectively) get kicked in the face.
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