Sunday, June 15, 2008

Brainwashed by the Establishment Media

They keep pounding at us with incessant politically correct views and terminology. They even got to me. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom (a free mind).

Yesterday, I posted about the water shortage in California:
California Water Shortage - Not My Problem

There is no water shortage. There are just too many people wanting the existing water. The problem is not too little water; it is too many people -- overpopulation.

In any event, I actually wrote "illegal immigrants" in one sentence. Sheesh. It is "illegal aliens", not "illegal immigrants", not "undocumented workers" or whatever the politically correct term du jour happens to be.

It's "illegal aliens", "illegal aliens", "illegal aliens", "illegal aliens", "illegal aliens", "illegal aliens", "illegal aliens"....


  1. Hello, David: I'm glad to see another libertarian who's not a knee-jerk open-borders advocate!

    Pam Maltzman

  2. There are several things I do not agree with libertarians about. Open borders is one. Worship of corporatism is another. Comparing Bill Gates to Hank Rearden, for example. Give me fricking break. Good to hear from you. Regards, DB

  3. I would expect that anyone who's actually _lived next to_ illegal aliens would be (at the very least) hesitant about open borders! The noise level alone is enough to drive one crazy! Keerist!

  4. Aiee Whiee Whiee Whiee!
