Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Self-Replicating Robots Announced on Earth Day 2009

On Earth Day, 2009, scientists announce self-replicating robots. These self-replicating robots have the capability of taking materials from their environments and efficiently incorporating those materials into their structures. In addition to using the environmental materials for their own maintenance, they are even able to use the environmental elements to create even more of themselves.

They are, in fact, so efficient at using environmental materials to increase their numbers that they, in every case, use up all the materials in their environments, at which time they cease to be able to replicate.

This is due to a serious robotic programming "issue", and the scientists have not yet determined a method of programming the robots to exercise what would be called, in human terms, "self-control". They would like the programming to incorporate a feedback loop so that the robots would reduce their rate of replication so that the resources available to them would continue indefinitely. Unfortunately, given the difficulties of programming such an effective "self-control" algorithm, no schedule for completion has yet been announced.

Scientist have given these self-replicating robots several names, depending on the model, including Catholics, Mormons, Southern Baptists, Muslims, Hindus...


  1. Okay, you made me look. But it's an old joke.

  2. Hypocrite, again blaming religion for every misery in the world.

    Researches have proven resources are enough for everybody if some in the west weren't so greedy. A human in the US & some other countries spends more energy than an elephant & lives a selfish MATERIAL American dream, & that's NOT thought by any religion in this world!

  3. Better to be a hypocrite - which I am not - rather than an idiot - which you are.

    I'm not blaming religion for EVERY misery in the world. Maybe about half.

    Resources are NOT enough for everyone. Are you effing blind? Ignorant of what's going on? You can live like a "need to breed" wog if you want. I don't care to. Even if per capita consumption is reduced, the resource use by the increased population will more than offset any gains.

    You are a typically public "education" "math challenged" idiot.
