Monday, December 03, 2007

Border Fences - Saudi Arabia-Iraq, US-Mexico

A friend sent a link to a story about how Saudi Arabia is building a fence along their border to keep Iraqis out. He wondered why "we" can't do the same to keep the Mexicans out. My answer is:

"We" could do it. But the New World Order puppet-masters don't WANT it. The object of open borders is to create a strife-torn, middle-class-eliminated plantation. Along with merger with Canada and Mexico, to bring down the U.S. and Canada to Mexican levels. North-American Union with a common currency, the "Amero".

You will note that the leaders/rulers in even the most impoverished countries do not suffer lack of food, luxury cars, mansions, toys, servants, and other perquisites. There is no NEED for a prosperous middle class in ANY country.

I do not blame our rulers. I and they see that prosperity for all will ruin the planet even faster. And since, due to right-wing religious wacko fascists and left-wing kumbaya bleeding hearts, there will never be effective population control (unless they can finally engineer genetic plagues), they have to reduce resource use by reducing consumption. And, it may even be too late, as it is, for them.

Finally, I don't give a crap. As you know, I am old. I was lucky to be born in the U.S., but it is living on past glory. Americans are no better or more deserving or special than those in any other country. 95% of Americans are just as stupid, irrational, ignorant, and venal as those in any other country.

Only the details of stupidity and irrationality differ. (Both Islam and Christianity, for example, are slave religions.) It is not from lack of desire that there are no more Christian Crusades and Inquisitions; it's just that you could say that maybe Christians have mellowed a bit, or maybe just become pussified. (Which, for me, living here rather than in wog-land, is a good thing -- but the basic irrationality is the same.)

In any event, the probably genetic disposition to make the wrong en-mass choices, including breeding like f'ing cats, rats, and dogs, without control or thought of consequences, will lead to inevitable collapse. Hard to say under which type of political or religious regime it will happen faster.

F'em all.

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