As with a lot of the stuff we do in life, we rely heavily on our eyesight as the determining factor in deciding whether or not we believe something. And this is, sorry to say, the situation in trying to burn fat as well. What's the old cliché? "Seeing is Believing", right?
When we stare at that photo of that hunk or hot babe on the cover of the hottest fat burning or fitness product, something takes place. We get excited. We may even get very excited!
Sorry to say, this is what many in the fitness industry are preying on. They know this and make use of it to their advantage. The procedure is straightforward: Put a super-looking in-shape guy or a hot body girl on a product and it will sell. These people don't even need to tell you you'll get to look like that person -- they already know that your subconscious will assume it will happen. When you're desperate to take off fat, this is an easy game for the fitness industry to play.
And of course, a few weeks later if the plan doesn't work, you will probably start to lose hope and realize that it's going to be hard to maintain the unrealistic and overly rigorous rules. You've got a life, right? Clearly, you want to get fit, but you've got a job or profession, perhaps a family, and other things going on. Now, a fat burning workout is great, but I know you don't need to devote hours every day for the remainder of your life in the gym!
All of this happened to me many times as a young man. I wasn't satisfied with my body, wanted to lose fat, and was in search of the most effective way to get slim, strong, and healthy, but while not devoting too much time in the gym, or needing to stick to extreme diet plans for months or years to come.
After more than a decade of testing on myself, friends and relatives, I put together some of the secrets and techniques that I found to work best at burning fat and in the shortest amount of time, for myself and the others that I worked with. What prompted me to do this was an extraordinary amount of frustration that I know 1000's of others are going through right now.
How so? To answer that, I want you to realize the psychological aspects of what we are faced with in the world of fitness and health.
What do you call repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? OK, I'll answer this one -- it's insanity! In some ways, the fitness industry is driving you crazy in your quest to burn fat and get a slim, strong, and healthy body. Their claims are too good to be true and often they can't typically provide them. They are over-promising and under-delivering all too often.
It's a big mental game that the fitness industry is playing with us, and it starts back in our childhood. When we were children, we were all taught that we could do anything we wanted to do when we grew up. Your parents might even have told you that you can attain anything you need if you believe in it strongly enough. I know many did that.
While this can supply enormous inspiration in life's journey, it can also be used against you by others, and without your knowledge. You are by and large a product of your genetics. Just as Sacha Baron Cohen (Bruno) could never play James Bond, a guy like Woody Allen could never win a heavyweight bodybuilding competition.
The truth is that those people can lose fat and get in the best shape they've ever been in, but their genes determine much of what they look like when in that best shape. But this isn't what the fitness gurus will normally tell you. They need you thinking that anyone can look like a genetic freak of nature if you just adhere to their plans.
Please know that I am not telling you that you are doomed by your genes -- everybody can make surprising improvements in their bodies with proper exercise and nutrition habits. It's when we start comparing ourselves to the guys and gals in the infomercials that we get into trouble, and get lost in that vicious circle of hype and sensationalism all too prevalent in fitness and fat burning programs these days.
As I mentioned before, you've got other things to do. You're busy. We all are. We live in a fast-paced society, the computer age, where we have so many people to do and things to see and so little time to do them. I don't know about you, but I notice myself trying to cram everything I do into those few hours between getting up and going to bed. It's not easy.
Then come along the fitness gurus telling you that to burn fat and get into great shape you've got to work out every day or close to it. You've got to do cardiovascular exercise to burn fat, many times a week. You've got to lift weights several other days a week, so that you are literally working out five to six days a week, every week. If you want it, you've got to do it, so they say.
I'm telling you that nothing could be further from the truth! Many of these programs will also tell you that you've got to stick to some crazy diet to burn fat. The plan might include cutting all or most of your carbohydrates, ingesting lots of supplements or other magical weight loss pills and potions. On top of that, when the programs don't deliver, they'll tell you that we're all different and that you've got to find what works right for you. Now, weren't they just telling you that their program promises the physique on the cover?
What they are doing is keeping you in that fitness madness that I talked about earlier. They keep you doing the same thing (trying the next hot product or workout and diet regimen) and promising the same great fat burning results. If it doesn't work, they recommend the next great thing. And too many people go on to that next magic product or promise and the fitness business uses this to their benefit!
Unfortunately the fitness industry, in many ways, has become a cycle of hype and sensationalism. Sure, there are some good-hearted trainers and gurus out there, but even some of them are being controlled by the fitness center owners, magazine publishers, and supplement companies. That's where the money is! Even if they are attempting to help you, they can become unwitting accomplices to the system.
They advertise their plans, products, and diets by using the cream of the genetic crop in the gene pool. If it worked for that guy or gal with the amazing body, it will work for me. I fell for it, too, many times, until I did some serious research and experimentation as I mentioned before.
Finally, I woke up and discovered for myself the secrets that few people are aware of. Secrets that will never dominate the fitness industry's general recommendations because they are not popular with the people that control the industry. Why?
Because these techniques of mine won't sell loads of silly exercise gimmicks, gadgets, or magic potions. Fat Burning Furnace students are schooled in the proper application of short, progressive, and intense resistance training, and to eat a diet full of nutrient rich foods, to drink gallons of water, and get lots of quality sleep and rest.
But your subconscious mind is powerful, and you have to be careful. Even today, I can get sucked into a compelling late night infomercial, even though I know better. So we all need to stay on guard.
If people would pay more attention to proven principles such as those in the Fat Burning Furnace program, and spend less time with the latest "fabulous abs cruncher" out there, we'd all be healthier, leaner, stronger, and happier for it. And we'd also be burning a heck of a lot more fat in the process.
The world's most effective process for fast, permanent fat loss is the "Fat Burning Furnace" method which aids people looking to put an end to restrictive fad diets, long boring cardiovascular routines, and the necessity for super-human self-discipline, for good.
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Avoiding Fat Burning Confusion for Permanent Fat Loss and FitnessAnd for more great articles see
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